A Small List of Great Artists – Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926)

see Claude Monet’s Trains

CLAUDE MONET (French, 1840-1926). A founder of Impressionist painting, in which artists, usually in nature, try to quickly capture impressions of the countryside they see before them, using fast, raw brush strokes, live at the scene, before the weather or light changes. As an appreciator of Batman and Daredevil and other super-heroes who beat up bad guys, I never had much interest in his work; I felt Monet’s subject matter was a little “sissy-ish.” However, when I finally saw his humongous originals of lily pads, I was blown away. When I began attempting to draw them for this comic, I gained a new appreciation of his illusions of the plants above the water, the surface of the water, and what lies under the water. How do you represent all that depth and dimension with only paint on a flat two-dimensional canvas?? It’s been argued that these were the first abstract paintings in art history.


Small List of Great Artists
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