Brush with Peril, page 013 – Drafts

One thing I consistently have trouble with, once I’ve drawn the appropriated images, is remembering to put masks on them afterwards.  In the beginning, I may have imagined having my original art without masks, or maybe being afraid I could ruin the picture with a mask, and deciding to do a separate layer for the masks, that I could adjust the size or coverage. At some point I digitally drew some of the masks onto the characters in Photoshop. For some reason, this page, I decided to draw masks by hand, cut and paste them in Photoshop, and as you can imagine, mis-judge the exact size and angle when I did cut and paste them, so it was a weird choice to try that!

Clearly I planned to re-use the carriers image from the previous page, because he shouts “Carriers” in Panel 2, and I left a hole for it to be dropped. I believe I needed the dialogue there for panel one, but after drawing it, realized I hadn’t designated a spot, so I drew it in Panel 3’s area in order to cut and paste it into Panel 1, and move it around as needed for the best placement.

Last panel, I once again just drew a picture of Bacon’s popes without referencing an actual painting, although I kind of used a mirror image of the actual painting I did reference.

Below is the first draft of the cleaned and edited page, including the moved text and (re-)insertion of the carriers image. Notice I later flipped the final two panels, so that I coud alter the final image to look more like a close-up of Francis Bacon, Study for Portrait II (1953), private collection.

In 2015, my best friend, Gerry Chow, colored the first chapter and a few pages of chapter two. Here’s what he did with this page:

Small List of Great Artists
Small List of Museums

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