
A sincere thanks to YOU, my kind Patreon patrons!

I wanted to make sure you know, kind, kind Patrons… I am SO GRATEFUL to YOU! This year, YOU made it possible for me to:

1. finish the 224 page Doris Danger Vol. 3 (announcement on this soon!), AND

2. I’m planning this year to finish a SECOND 250 page SECRET PROJECT (more on that soon! – and aw heck, you can keep it a secret, right? It’s the “Brush with Peril” project I’ve been working on for almost a decade, periodically posting samples on social media! Famous museum paintings appropriated into a James Bond style SPY adventure!), AND

3. Your “patreonage” generated income that helped me to PAY the talented and hilarious Ricky Sprague for his slavishly devoted, hard work, so that the above said Doris Danger volume 3 will be 224 pages of the most hilariously colored comics you’ll ever set eyes on!  AND

4. Your “patreonicity” generated income that helped me to PAY Alegria del Sol’s and Jake Schantz’s Schantz Studio Productions, who not only have been editing together EVERY “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist” video, but this year they bumped their schedule from one video a week to two (just for YOU!), AND they’ve been posting and promoting them as well! Their hard work – editing together over a hundred Youtube vids! – bumped our site from the mere thirty subscribers we had a year ago to three thousand six hundred – and increasing every month!

Don’t say your kind, kind contributions don’t make a difference!  ALL THE ABOVE is thanks to your kindness and generosity and faith in my (and Ricky’s, and Alegria’s and Jake’s) hard work! I need you and appreciate you all!  A sincere thanks, and hopes my efforts give you lots of enjoyment in this new decade!

And an enormous thanks to the above-mentioned Ricky and Jake and Alegria, who all got paid way less than they deserved, but wanted to see these projects succeed, and worked hard all year to make everything happen.

Here’s to 2020, fans, and more fun as we go!

A sincere thanks to YOU, my kind Patreon patrons! Read More »

Happy Holidays! (and this month’s weekly reckoning!)

I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for YOU, you kind Patreon patrons, friends, family, and fans!  So much so, I’m posting a separate thank-you note for the new year! But here’s the fun stuff I’ve posted this month for your pleasure:

Back in 2009, I began a Dr. DeBunko story that I had envisioned at about 50 pages. I completed 15 pages (the first chapter), then got pulled away to other projects, and the story was never completed. I’m planning to get these never-before-seen pages up and available to YOU, kind $1 Patreon Patrons!  This month, here’s the first four pages! (Don’t forget that YOU awesome $1 Patrons already have access to a bunch of other Dr. DeBunko stories!)

In Doris Danger news, a few pages have been posted (which you can always check out at, including a couple $4 Patron variations (click “published” or “pre-edits”) on the Poo-Twah splash page that began Doris’s volume 2: Monstrosis!  Then see published and full-color versions of Wheee ($4 Patrons)!  Then watch a selfie vid ($7 Patrons) that I filmed, where I talk about meeting artist Shag, who gave me an image to use for the cover of my Doris volume 1 (free for all to see and read about)!

Last up, “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist” for you silly NON-Patrons, and EVEN MORE for YOU kind $7 Patrons:

 (video, approx. 4:05, Public)
100b. Extended Patreon Cut (video, approx 11:25, $7 Patrons)


 (video, approx. 3:35, Public)
101b. Extended Patreon Cut (video, approx 8:30, $7 Patrons)


102a. J.H. WILLIAMS III – 2
 (video, approx. 4:50, Public)
102b. J.H. WILLIAMS III – 2 – Extended Patreon Cut (video, approx. 12:45, $7 Patrons)


103a. The Passion
 (video, approx. 1:40, Public)
103b. Extended Patreon Cut (video, approx. 4:10, $7 Patrons)

Happy Holidays, and may the new decade and 2020 find success, productivity, joy, enjoyment, creativity, and love for us all!

Happy Holidays! (and this month’s weekly reckoning!) Read More »

Our “Weekly Reckoning” for last November!

As usual, another busy week/month! Doris Danger: Volume Three, “More Doris Danger GIANT MONSTER Adventures,” IS COMPLETE, fans!
More Doris was originally conceived to be maybe 100 pages, and then packaged with the 96 page volume 1, thereby making for an easy and little project that could bulk the two combined books to a nice 200 page semi-newey. Instead, it’s morphed to become its own single 224 page volume! I hope to have announcements at some point soon, regarding its release – but the actual release could take a while, so please be patient and hang in there! I believe I started drawing the first pages for it around eight years ago!
As for YOU kind Patrons of my Patreon, I’ve posted some treats for you.
Freebies to all, including you silly NON-Patreon supporters:
Read some newly posted Doris Danger chapters:
And check out all our free weekly
Dollar Patrons, you can pick up a PDF of a Monstrosis story!
Four Dollar Patrons, here’s a pin-up of a giant monster!
I also posted the original pencils for that one!
In case I missed anything, you can always peruse the Doris Danger feed at my website to see what’s come out!
Seven Dollar Patrons, we’re trying something new! Instead of filming completely different Patreon-only videos, we’re expanding the public ones, by double or so the length! Let me know whatcha think! Check out:
97b. Remembering STAN LEE (extended Patreon cut: approx. 11:50) – DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST (another mash-up, this time of artists recollecting their experiences working with Stan)
And by the way, did you notice we’ve practically posted 100 “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist vids??
In case I missed anything, you can always peruse the “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist” feed to see what’s come out!
Happy Holidays to all my kind Patreons and fans and best friends!
Sincerely, Chris

Our “Weekly Reckoning” for last November! Read More »

This Week’s Monthly Reckoning

Just got back from Cancun, Mexico, fans!


As you can imagine, it really got me thinking about my Doris Danger Giant Monster Adventures and upcoming spy adventure, A Brush with Peril, and I can’t wait to share some videos I filmed there while I was thinking about them.

This week (month), we posted some more of the usual:

GIANT MONSTER pin-ups by best friends, Nick Cardy, George Tuska, and Mike Ploog, as well as photos with them (since they’re my best friends!), and how I met them (or didn’t!), and how I got these gorgeous giant monster pin-ups from them. From their links above, just click the “commentary” buttons!  These posts are FREE to EVERYONE!

For YOU kind $1 Patrons at, I’ve posted a Steve Ditko-inspired romantic PDF – More Doris Danger (vol. 3) Chapter 5!

For YOU kind $4 Patrons at, I’ve posted high-res prints of GIANT MONSTERS Gah-Gay-Goo-Gah and POO-TWAH! If you click the links from there, you can click the “pre-edits” buttons to see how they appeared in black-and-white for Monstrosis! And from these or the free monster pinups by Cardy, Tuska, and Ploog, you may as well have some fun exploring Doris Danger’s semi-interactive web comic, while you’re there!

For YOU kind $7 Patrons at, we continue pumping out video clips of our Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist youtube station:

88. DAVE GIBBONS 2 (approx. 5:55) – DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST ($7 Patrons)




92. JAMES O’BARR 3 (approx. 2:35) – DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST ($7 Patrons)


94. PAOLO RIVERA 2 (approx. 5:00) – DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST ($7 Patrons)


96. JOHN ROMITA, JR. 2 (approx. 3:50) – DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST ($7 Patrons)

Lastly, for those who missed it on my social media, there were two interesting videos of me that went up this month!

First was my studio visit on the entertaining local talk show, Jocks, Geeks, and Nerds! We spoke about my Godzilla piece for the Criterion Collection!

Second, for Halloween, local bar Old Ironsides in downtown Sacramento just released a video of my band, Weird Harold, dressed in Olive Oil costumes and performing a cover of We Are the Champions for their second annual Halloween “Dead Rock Stars” evening, way back in 1999!

Have a great week, everybody! Thanks so much for your kind, kind support!

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This month’s Daily Reckoning (a couple weeks late)

Whew, what a month, fans! I was using my three-month old laptop, and it started acting SUPER sluggish. I finally decided, I’d better save and close everything that’s open, and as I got through about three quarters of it all (I had a lot of art open for my upcoming Brush with Peril project), it suddenly went blue and told me the computer had crashed unexpectedly, and then a timer began of when it would be done re-amassing info to send to the support team so that this hopefully doesn’t happen again. And then it never turned back on again.
As I slowly let this sink in, I began thinking about how much work I had done and not backed up. Good news – I had recently backed up the completed Doris Danger volume three.  But then, upon finishing that, I realized I’d been working on a bunch of stuff for the upcoming Brush with Peril. I had spent a few days researching all the famous artwork that I had referenced in all my previously drawn pages, often six or ten images per page, and finding the dates completed and museums where you could find all these pieces. I had re-organized all these footnoted references so that there was a master list of all artists alphabetically referenced, and all museums alphabetically listed including websites. I had spent a few days finding new and not-yet used artwork, including dates and museums – in particular a dozen Monet lily pads, a few dozen of Degas’ ballerinas, and a couple dozen Daumier audiences.  And I had constructed digital page lay-outs of maybe twenty pages of the penultimate battle between my spies and the Degas ballerinas.  It came to me slowly all this work I had done, and I figured out that it was about a month of un-backed-up material.
Amazingly, I was able, as a Costco-purchased computer, to send it in to have it repaired free of charge! However, there was the issue of trying to get back all this data. I took it to the local shop, which said the hard drive was corrupted and all data was gone!
A couple years ago, I was in New York and my cell phone suddenly stopped, and I lost a day of photos and videos. Same situation – my data was gone. BUT I found a place that the FBI supposedly uses to pull data from devices, and they were able to recover my once-in-a-lifetime photos and videos of New York. It was EXPENSIVE. So I sent my computer to them, and it was EXPENSIVE, but they got my data. And I felt based on the amount of time I’d put in, and the amount of work I may not be able to remember or re-duplicate, it was worth it to me.
But meanwhile it was a week or two to get the data, then they sent the computer to the computer company, then a week or two to repair the computer, plus shipping, and next thing I knew, I was without my laptop for a month.
I had an old laptop that tends to freeze up and have to be re-booted if it’s working on too many things at once, in particular if I’m online. So I pulled that out, and it was working ok for about two weeks, and then one day as I plugged in the cable it just wouldn’t re-charge, and that was that.  I have a desktop, but that’s just not the same as having the laptop on the table and listening to a dvd commentary while I’m drawing, or falling asleep with a movie on my lap to try and catch up on a little sleep before going off to my day job.  I started putting old dvd’s onto the family room tv while I worked. I didn’t create any new work – I inked pages I had happened to have penciled, I did a few chores around that house that were WAY overdue, and I managed to keep busy for that month, without a laptop.
And now, as of yesterday, I have my laptop functional again, and I’m back at full capacity, working furiously on my comics for YOU!
You guys know by now how to find all the amazing video interviews for the Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist documentary: HERE for a list of EVERYTHING, or HERE for the most recently posted videos – many of them free, and some of them only for YOU kind $7 Patrons.  I can’t believe next month we’ll be posting our 90th video!
I’ve also posted a fun treat: $1 Patrons can see my black-and-white version of the story that was published in J.H. William’s Where We Live Anthology, inked by Bill Sienkiewicz.
And YOU lucky $4 Patrons have access to a tediously thorough creator’s commentary about that story Where We Live Anthology – the pencils and edits.  It contains over a dozen pages of my original script notes, my page layouts which consisted of photos I took of myself in my own house, my original pencils, pages I inked myself and why I inked them. I hope you’ll find it super-interesting to see my creative process.  Here’s a TINY sample:
Thanks as always for YOUR kind, kind support, it is so appreciated, knowing YOU’RE out there, wanting to help me succeed with my art.

This month’s Daily Reckoning (a couple weeks late) Read More »

Weekly Reckoning!

Before I give my weekly reckoning, just thought I’d share some news:

I had a great show at the Seventh Annual CrockerCon at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento.   The show ran from 6pm-9:30, and all evening, clips from my channel played in the 260-seat auditorium!

Image may contain: Chris Wisnia, indoor

At 6:30 I gave a presentation including a 10-minute sample of not-yet-released footage! At 8:30 hosted a panel interviewing local comics artists on their gallery show that’s up now, and we discussed definitions of “art” and explored differences and similarities between comics and other artistic media, such as paintings, literature, and film.  Here I am at the gallery show, where two of my Doris Danger original art pieces were on display.

Image may contain: Chris Wisnia, smiling, indoor

The Sacramento Bee did a brief write-up about Crocker Con, where they spotlighted my name:

“Setting this year’s event apart was a special presentation by Chris Wisnia, a comic artist who also runs a blog and YouTube channel called “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist” where he interviews other successful comic artists about their work and experiences.”

You can read the full article HERE.

Okay, onto the Reckoning.

This month, I posted some new Doris Danger web comic pages, beginning HERE. It took some extra “fidgeting time”, as I updated the posts for Chronological readings of Doris Danger, the FBI, Felk, Mull, and Sleet (click their icons below the images!), because I realized that, chronologically, Doris would need to be captured by FBI in Chapter One, THEN be escorted by Mull and Felk in Chapter 35, THEN be taken to Felk and interrogated for Chapter Three and broken out by the Monster Liberation Army, THEN return back to Chapter Two, and so on!

I also posted a high-res print of Spwumm, Pointing Fiend! (for YOU kind $4 Patreon patrons, and a PDF of Doris Danger’s Volume 3, Chapter 4 (for YOU kind $1 Patreon patrons).

Also, if you go to Sner-Snee’s splash page, YOU kind $4 Patreon patrons can see the full-color (thanks to Ricky Sprague) published image, AND the original black-and-white scan, AND the pencils by legendary Dick Ayers, who inked Jack Kirby’s 1950’s-60’s giant monster comics! Dick actually penciled his version and had panel one of what wound up being the next page all fit into his (unused and altered) version.

I’ve also been posting a selfie video talking about my Doris Danger comics, every week, over at I consider them the equivalent of commentaries on DVD’S, but with the added bonus that I always film them in exotic settings around the globe!

And speaking of… we’ve posted a couple free vids for EVERYONE! That means YOU!:

78. RYAN SOOK (video, approx 2:35, Public)

80. STEVE NILES (video, approx. 4:45,  Public)

There are dozens of great freebie vids, if you pop over to our Diary Index page. Please enjoy!

And lastly, for YOU kind $7 Patreon patrons, we’ve recently posted the following videos:

 (video, approx 2:20, $7 Patrons)

 (video, approx 1:40, $7 Patrons)

76. KELLEY JONES (video, approx. 2:10,  $7 Patrons)

77. CECIL CASTELLUCCI 2 (video, approx. 3:00,  $7 Patrons)

 RYAN SOOK 2 (video, approx 2:50, $7 Patrons)

81. STEVE NILES 2  (video, approx 2:35, $7 Patrons)

Can you believe we’ve hit eighty videos?? Wow! Couldn’t have done it without all YOU! Thanks so much. You are appreciated.

Weekly Reckoning! Read More »

This month’s Weekly Reckoning!

Boy, what a busy week, everybody! Thanks so much for your patience!

First up, I can finally announce that I was asked to be a part of Criterion Collection’s mammoth 10″x14″ (!) 1000th dvd release (!!), 15-film (!!!) Godzilla box set (!!!!), in which they asked me to produce the art (!!!!?) for film 15, “The Terror of Mechagodzilla.”

Here is Criterion’s website featuring the box set!

If you scroll down, they have an entry for each of the fifteen films, showcasing all the beautiful art!

My page is HERE.

For YOU kind $1 Patrons, I wrote an essay on how I landed the gig, and how it went: getting asked to draw Godzilla for Criterion

Next, for you kind $4 Patrons, I posted some “start to finish” art I created for the image: Godzilla – The Art Process



Next up, I was down at Comic Con last month, and you’ll be excited to hear I managed to film 14 interviews for our “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist” Youtube channel! Upcoming videos will feature Walter and Louise Simonson, Seth, Ed Brubaker, Arthur Adams, John Romita Jr., Jeffrey Brown in a follow-up interview after his success with the Darth Vader and Son series, Steve Leialoha and Trina Robbins, Humberto Ramos, John Cassaday, Bill Morrison, Tomm Coker, and Gene Ha!

Next up, I was busy as can be FINISHING MY DORIS DANGER VOL. 3, which is now rounding out at over 200 pages! I am currently in the digital editing phase, which hopefully will be complete this week. (I was hoping I would be finished LAST week.) My fabulous colorist, Ricky Sprague still has about 50 pages to go… but BOY are we getting close, everybody! I can’t wait for this; I feel like Doris is getting better every volume!


This month, we continued to post plenty of fantastic weekly interviews at my YouTube page! You can see what’s most recent HERE… including free and BONUS-$4-Patron-only clips of Mike Royer (Jack Kirby’s 1970’s-80’s inker), William Stout (underground comix artist and film production designer of Raiders of the Lost Arc, Conan, Fist Blood, Predator, Men in Black), Vince Locke (Deadworld, Cannibal Corpse, and Sandman), and Ron Lim (Silver Surfer, Thanos’s cosmic Infinity runs).

Additionally, we posted a bunch of my selfies, where I talk about making my comics. A complete list is HERE!

Lastly, I posted a PDF (for YOU kind $1 Patrons) and a high res image (for YOU kind $4) of CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO/3-03: True Tabloia Romance 11! Please check out my if you’d like to show YOUR support, and receive some fun like this for your kindness!

Hope you’re all well this month, gang, and I look forward to checking in again next month and sharing some more art and fun!

Sincerely, thanks for your enjoyment of my work, your support at my Patreon, and your help watching, sharing, and liking everything we post at my


This month’s Weekly Reckoning! Read More »

Another Weekly Reckoning

As I write this, I’m finishing up the last 3 pages of the 180 page “More Doris Danger Giant Monster Adventures”, to take down to Comic-Con in San Diego next week! I can’t wait to share it all with you!  Here are a couple panels, wonderfully colored by my best friend, Ricky Sprague:

So as you can imagine, it’s been pretty busy, BUT just the same, I wanted to be sure and get some fun goodies out to you!

First of all, free to everyone…

a few more Doris Danger pages at the semi-interactive web-comic, beginning with page 03-05 – Published.

Also free to everyone, at our, we are posting – every week – one new Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist video and one new PRETENTIOUS SELFIE of me talking about excruciatingly ponderous details of my Doris Danger comic.  This last month:

Bill Sienkiewicz – The Most Mispronounced Name in Comics | DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST

Erik Larsen – Maintaining an Audience | DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST


Frank Quitely – Against a Deadline | DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST

Jack Kirby’s Rushed Errors

Lettering Comics by Hand

The Effect the 1970’s Marvel MONSTER Reprints

Also free to everyone, a quick little text essay on how I decided to begin Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist.

For YOU kind $1 Patrons…

I posted a chapter of Doris Danger in PDF form, for you to download (from the Patreon site): More Doris Danger (vol. 3) Chapter 2

I also posted a text feature: DIARY OF A STRUGGLING COMICS ARTIST – early emails on some of the correspondences I made in envisioning the documentary.

For YOU kind $4 Patrons…

I posted the original black and white scans – uncleaned, unedited – of More Doris Danger pages 3-6!  Click on the “Pre-Edits” links for those pages, or click

front cover 003 – Pre-Edits

page 004 – Pre-Edits

page 005 – Pre-Edits

page 006 – Pre-Edits

Then click the “published” links on those pages to compare them to the completed, completely edited and colored images – sometimes with different text, panels moved around, and all sorts of fun like that!

In addition, $4-ers, I posted high res printables of the Lump’s Tabloia 573 cover and back cover – downloadable at the Patreon site! Don’t forget you can now read the full story at the $1 level, beginning HERE.

Doris Danger fans, I also posted a high-res printable of Gluh-Gwuh-Wee, Doris Danger (vol. 3, Chpt. 31), page 010.

YOU kind $7 Patrons…

there are a fair amount of videos for you this month!  Click on over to my website, login into your Patreon account, and access the DIARY page (or peruse the Master List.  Just scroll down for all the links of whatever interviews catch your fancy.  Every week, we’ve been posting two interviews of each artist – one for free, one ONLY FOR YOU KIND $7 Patrons!

Likewise with the selfie-Doris Danger videos: go to the Doris Danger page and scroll down, or peruse the Videos Page.

* * *

Next time I write you, I should be allowed to announce a top-secret, super-exciting project I was asked to contribute to, for the Criterion Collection!

Thanks as always for YOUR kind, kind support!

Another Weekly Reckoning Read More »

Another Weekly Reckoning!

Sorry for the delay in informing you what I’ve been up to this week (May)! Here’s what’s new:

Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist!
Doris Danger!
The Spider Twins!

See below:


Of primary focus on my radar, has been the complete re-developing of the website, by my kind, kind best friend and long-time Tabloia staff member, Wayne!  Please check it out at the new!  For ease and findability, now all social media (except www.Youtube/DiaryOfAStrugglingComicsArtist) is @ChrisWisniaArts – that’s for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Patreon, and the aforementioned brand new website: @ChrisWisniaArts.


Second up, we want to make sure everyone saw that we have upped the ante at www.Youtube/DiaryOfAStrugglingComicsArtist! We have begun posting the following every week:

1. A brand new “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist” clip to the public.
2. A brand new “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist” clip to YOU kind, kind $7 Patreon Patrons! (
3. A brand new selfie video of me in an exotic place, talking about my comics – we’ll see how this goes – I’ve been doing a freebie every week, but I might just do two like the “Diary” clips above, with one for YOU kind Patrons!

Our hope is to build up a real nice batch of fantastic interviews to thank YOU for your much appreciated support!  Currently, there are about a dozen Patreon only bonus vids. You can find a list of EVERYTHING, and whether it’s free of Patreon-only, at

The batch of vids we’ve posted since our last weekly reckoning (on May 15):

53. JIM STERANKO 2 (video, approx 2:10, Public)

(video, approx. 5:25,  Public)

55. RAMONA FRADON  2 (video, approx. 2:00,  $7 Patrons)

56. LANDRY WALKER (video, approx. 2:35, Public)

57. LANDRY WALKER 2 (video, approx. 3:05, $7 Patrons)

58. FRANK QUITELY (video, approx. 2:00,  Public)

59. FRANK QUITELY 2  (video, approx 3:00, $7 Patrons)

This Thursday, you can look forward to two more clips!


With the website and etc. going on this time around, I unfortunately didn’t have much time for more than a couple new ($1 Patron) pages to the semi-interactive web comic this week, fans!  Beginning HERE.


In addition to adding a commentary track, I added THREE new, never-before-seen actual COMIC BOOK STORIES of the Spider Twins! (Not a lot – one story was 4 pages, one was 3, and one was 2!) You can access all this fun Spider Twins stuff HERE.

I’m out of time for now. Next post, I’ll be sure and say a whole bunch more about my selfie vids I mentioned.  For now, feel free to pull them up over at www.Youtube/DiaryOfAStrugglingComicsArtist

Thanks as always, for all your great support of my work!

Another Weekly Reckoning! Read More »

A Weekly Reckoning to cover the last 37 days!

SO, SO SORRY I’ve taken so long to check in, everybody! A couple things keeping me busy [note of additional apology: To add insult to injury, this announcement was posted way back on May 15 at Patreon, and I accidentally overlooked posting it here!):

1. my birthday (May 13!),

2. a Free Comic Book Day store appearance in Roseville CA At A-1 Comics, who has been super thoughtful about helping me promote “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist,”  and a Meadowlark comic convention appearance in Medford, OR,

3. the usual pounding tthrough, toward completion, what looks to be a 175 page Doris Danger Volume 3 (hopefully by this summer),

4. re-branding all my social media to ChrisWisniaArts and re-vamping the website (hopefully up and running by the next weekly reckoning – in a month or so) INCLUDING THIS PATREON PAGE, which has been re-named (Hope you were able to find it!),

5. my wife being out of town on two separate four day trips (!!) leaving the boys (me included) helplessly home alone, and

6. a surprise SECRET PROJECT involving a 15 film DVD set where each film will be represented by a different artist (I’m super excited about this honor, and hopefully can announce the project soon!)…

But the big announcement TODAY is:

7. YOUTUBE.  Last month, on April 9th, our Youtube channel with our documentary, “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist,” had been trickling in one or two new subscribers a week, and was suddenly at 80 subscribers and feeling like we could hit 100 soon. It did that day, and that Friday it hit 200, Saturday 300, and Sunday 600! As I write this, a month later, we are inching up on 3,300 subscribers!

If you haven’t checked it out recently, I hope you can pop over to our official channel and enjoy some of the public posts we’ve been diligently making for the last year.  That’s right, this week I just posted our 52nd video!

Tomorrow we’ll be publicly posting a Jim Steranko video up at  If YOU are a kind Patron of my Patreon at the $7 level, here are some OTHER videos we’ve posted just for YOU, since the last Weekly Reckoning:


48. THE FAMILY CAR (video, approx. 4:30,  Public)

49. JIM STARLIN (video, approx 3:30, Public)

50. JIM STERANKO (video, approx 5:00, $7 PATREON-ONLY BONUS video)

51. MARK WAID 2 (video, ALSO approx. 3:05, Public)

52. ROY THOMAS (video, approx 3:00, $7 Patrons)

Let’s see what else YOU’VE gotten access, to here at my so far this time around…

If you pop over to, you can download or print these high res printables of “Ree Ree, Wingless, Pointy-Headed Falling Demon of the!” (NOT a typo!, but you’ll have to read some upcoming Doris Danger comics to find out why!), and “Horno – Not  a Hoax!”, or “Ner-Nee-Nah, the Thing that was Probably Alive!”, and then download or read a PDF of Doris Danger vol. 3, Chapter One!

Meanwhile, over at the newly-launched but still in progress ChrisWisniaArts/blog, you can read the latest installments of Doris Danger web comics, beginning HERE.

I look forward to sharing more goodies with you next time, but I want to hear from you! Whaddaya think of all these shenanigans? Thanks SO MUCH for YOUR support, everyone!


A Weekly Reckoning to cover the last 37 days! Read More »