Click and read the “Rules” link, fans! Then email me your answer, and YOU could win the FREE WEEKLY PRIZE! -Rob!
Congratulations, fans, there were a stunning FOUR entrants who guessed this week! Of note was the weekly Richard Sprague, who guessed this week’s character is called “Red Nogloves!” Keep those intuitive guesses coming, Ricky, (and there’s a lesson here for all guessers!), because even though you don’t guess correctly, we still enter you in every weekly drawing, just for trying!
Tyler Rork guessed, “Giant Red Boner”. Using the following hard-to-argue reasoning: “It was his enormous, pulsating, erect stature, and loosely clenched left fist that really gave it away.” He also added, “Killler boots man!!!”
Using intensive deductive skills, Benjamin Ilka wrote, “From the look of his eyes I would say he is some sort of french expatriate who has snuck into our beloved America. We also know, because Bush tells us so, that the french are not only boners but communists as well. So he must be the La Squelette Rouge! Yeah thats french!” And I’m sure you know that we appreciate you calling him “THE LA” Squelette, and not just “LA Squelette, Benjamin!”
And the lucky winner of our weekly prize is…the aforementioned Tyler Rork! We’re so proud of you, Tyler, and we’ll be in touch about the FANTASTIC SKETCH you’ve just won!!
This week’s moral? That you don’t have to guess exactly right to be a winner! We just want to reward participation!
Thanks, fans! We’ll see you next week! -Rob Oder, Editor-in-Chief!
SPIDER TWINS MINI-COMICS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! Go to merchandise page to learn more! You can BUY ONE OR ALL THREE (3) Spider Twins Mini Comics (“Pink,” “Blue,” and “Lilac”), PLUS FREE Creator’s Commentary CD!
Click and read the “Rules” link, fans! Then email me your answer, and YOU could win the FREE WEEKLY PRIZE! -Rob!
Introductory Bonus…WHAT FUN! To inaugurate our exciting SPIDER TWINS COMPANION, fans, we have posted THREE heroic, dangerous masked vigilantes this week! Please send in your guesses for all of them by Thursday, January 24th, 2007, and then check back to THIS VERY PAGE for the amazing, perhaps startling answer, along with detailed character dossier and “action shot!”! -Rob!
Hint: To get you warmed up, we posted some easy ones! If you spend a little extra time reading his descriptions, his name is written right there, just as plain as the nose on your fat pimply face! Good luck! -Rob!
Congratulations, fans, there were a stunning FIVE entrants who guessed this week, four of whom guessed correctly! Of note were Richard Sprague, who guessed, “The Moscurt,” and Britton “Mr. Walters” Walters who came up with “The Sack Wrangler!”
And the lucky winner of our weekly prize is…SAM HAYES! Congratulations, Sam! We’re so proud of you, and we’ll be in touch about the GREAT SKETCH you’ve just won!!SPIDER TWINS MINI-COMICS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! Go to merchandise page to learn more! You can BUY ONE OR ALL THREE (3) Spider Twins Mini Comics (“Pink,” “Blue,” and “Lilac”), PLUS FREE Creator’s Commentary CD!
Click and read the “Rules” link, fans! Then email me your answer, and YOU could win the FREE WEEKLY PRIZE! -Rob!
Introductory Bonus…WHAT FUN! To inaugurate our exciting SPIDER TWINS COMPANION, fans, we have posted THREE heroic, dangerous masked vigilantes this week! Please send in your guesses for all of them by Thursday, January 24th, 2007, and then check back to THIS VERY PAGE for the amazing, perhaps startling answer, along with detailed character dossier and “action shot!”! -Rob!
Hint: To get you warmed up, we posted an easy one! His name is written on his costume, AND in his text descriptions! Good luck! -Rob!
Congratulations, fans, there were a stunning FIVE entrants who guessed this week, three of whom guessed correctly! Of those three, we would like to point out, two of them didn’t guess correctly on their first try, and we sent them SPECIAL CLUES to help them solve the puzzle! So keep in mind, fans, WE REWARD THE PARTICIPATORS, even if you aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed! We WANT you to succeed!
Of note were Richard Sprague, who guessed, “The Purple Pole,” Britton “Mr. Walters” Walters, who guessed “Ten Foot Pole” (which is ridiculous, because nobody’s hard pole is THAT long!), and George Leon, who guessed “Pole Smoker” or “Pole Hung Far low!”
Astute guessers will notice Long Hard Pole’s pole isn’t smoking! But fans of pole smoking should keep your eyes peeled in the future for a masked vigilante with not one but TWO SMOKING poles, dressed in politically incorrect Native American, or “Injun,” garb!And the lucky winner of our weekly prize is…GEORGE LEON! Congratulations, George! We’re so proud of you, and we’ll be in touch about the FANTASTIC SKETCH you’ve just won!!
SPIDER TWINS MINI-COMICS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! Go to merchandise page to learn more! You can BUY ONE OR ALL THREE (3) Spider Twins Mini Comics (“Pink,” “Blue,” and “Lilac”), PLUS FREE Creator’s Commentary CD!
It has come to our attention that some parents may be concerned with the acceptability of what we consider a perfectly innocent, family-friendly, strictly-literal-and-no-dirty-hidden-meaning, all-ages work! Please use your own judgment and decide for yourself!
SPIDER TWINS MINI-COMICS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! Go to merchandise page to learn more! You can BUY ONE OR ALL THREE (3) Spider Twins Mini Comics (“Pink,” “Blue,” and “Lilac”), PLUS FREE Creator’s Commentary CD!