Question for my KIND Patreon supporters!

I really want to hear from you!

I’ve been dutifully posting a monthly update to alert you of all the material I’ve been posting, each month, for YOU kind, kind Patreon supporters! But I haven’t heard much from anyone, over all these years. Hey, everybody! Are you enjoying my posts? Are you enjoying my monthly updates? Is it helpful to have these links to what’s new? Do you like hearing what I’m up to? Would you be fine without these bulletins, because you’re not really reading them?  Are you not even really looking much at anything I’m up to, and you just like knowing you’re helping me, because you’re not really into comics, but you just want to help because we’re best friends, or you’re my mom?

I’d like to try an experiment this month. Shortly, I’ll be posting a new Monthly Reckoning – but it will be different this month. I want to see what you think, compared to the detailed Monthly reckoning highlighting everything I’ve been up to, both artistically and with my Patreon posts for YOU. This new bulletin – unless there’s something really big and important, like last month – will contain a concise, simple reminder (because I know there’s always a lot, and it’s confusing!) of all the places you can find YOUR Patreon rewards, or just find FREE STUFF I’ve got posted everywhere.

HERE’S WHY the experiment. All thanks to YOU kind Patreon supporters, my Patreon is currently making roughly $250 a month (If I round up). To show my thanks, I have been devoting roughly 20-30 hours a month to making sure new material is posted and available FOR YOU, here at my or my website. This entails resizing my art, uploading them to website or Patreon, putting them up and getting the coding set up for them to flow as web comics, including hyperlinks to the necessary places, or making them available as downloadable PDF’S, high res printables, screen savers, and so on, and then also putting together the mailers to you so you are aware of and can access all this new material.

This amount of time that I monthly dedicate DOES NOT include the hours I’m devoting to creating the actual stories and art, which is all the rest of my spare time. It also does not include all the time that my film editor is dedicating to creating our videos that we produce weekly. I say this to illustrute as an example: if we dedicate this full $250 Patreon income toward an hourly wage for ONLY my Patreon rewards-posting time, I’m making $8.33- $12.50 an hour (which I’m happy and EXCITED to do for you, and which I find rewarding and fair in rewarding you for your kindness). And that leaves $0/hour from this income for my actual creation of art or my editor who is creating content for you. Please also keep in mind that of this $250 a month,  $90 of these pledges are supposed to go to kind patreons receiving original art from me. If we subtract out that money (which is fair, because that money is FOR the original art and not the Patreon perks), then my “income” drops to $5.33-$8 per hour.

I don’t point this out from malice. It is just a simple fact of the struggles artists face, trying to make a living dedicating themselves to their craft. And that’s why I want to hear from you! I want to hear you’re enjoying the work I create for you! I want to hear WHAT you’re enjoying! I want to hear if you mind if I streamline my monthly bulletins, and if in doing, you can still find all this material I’m working so hard to create for you! I’m working in a bubble here, even more so during this pandemic, and we should be making a community hear. It’s nice to hear my fans are appreciative.  I’m reaching out! Please! Just a quick to say hello!  Thanks as always for your support, your fandom, and your patronage.


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