This Month’s Weekly Reckoning!

Thanks so much for your support, fans, whether you’re sending a buck or so my way every month at my Patreon, or simply enjoying my work! I’d love to hear from you. How are YOU doing??

This month, let’s just jump in with reminders of some perks YOU shouldn’t forget I’ve got posted here, just for YOU:

YOU sweet $7 Patrons have access to AN AD-FREE PLAYLIST of all our Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist video interviews! As of this writing, we’re at 88 vids!

YOU awesome $4 Patrons can access A PLAYLIST of EXTENDED BONUS FOOTAGE from our Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist video interviews! Currently, there are 47 videos ready to stream, all back to back, just for YOU!

YOU super-cool $2 Patrons really should pop over to and enjoy some of my comics! Pick a comic, any comic! As you read through some of them, you’ll find some of your favorite pages are available to download as screen savers or high-res printables! Who knows what you’ll find??

Too vague a hint for finding what you want? Too much work? Need some guidance? Here are some fun perks we’ve posted this month:

NEW FUN VIDEOS for $7 Patrons!

The Covers of Brush with Peril – Part 1 of 2:

The Covers of Brush with Peril – Part 2 of 2:

Brush with Peril – Edvard Munch homages – a time lapse video of the page I was working on:

Behind the Scenes PROCESS Essay: Brush with Peril – Edvard Munch homages (layouts, pencils, inks, edits, and some light commentary on the above page, and as it turns out, some additional pages get involved too):


You can always find ALL our interviews listed alphabetically by artist or theme HERE, or by scrolling Facebook-style with most recently posted at top, HERE.

$2 Patrons!

We’ve posted a brand new, semi-interactive SIX PAGE Doris Danger Story, beginning HERE! The story of OOPF, where you’ll find the Monster Liberation Army pitted against FBI “G” Division along the Niagara Falls cliffside – from Doris Danger vol. 1.

Ok, fans, that’s it for this week! (Month!) Thanks again, so much, for all your kind, kind support! Drop me a line! cwisnia “at” tabloia “dot” com!
