Brush with Peril, page 011 – Drafts

This page was drawn 7/1-7/13/09. Notice panel 2 was a close up of panel 1, too big to fit within the page width, and that there is a blank hole where a panel 7 should be. My intention here was to draw the full panel 2, and then divide it in half, and then make one half panel 2, and the other half panel 7.

In real life, Arneson was a total “left coast heathen,” as he says in the final panel. And yet for my story, I chose for his character to be the opposite. It was a line I didn’t care for, and I wound up changing it by the next draft.

Here was my cleaned up first draft, with some slightly altered dialogue and the panels cropped and moved into what now became Panels 2 and 8:

Below, you can see my best friend, Gerry Chow, coloring the completed page in 2015. Notice that panel 2 and 7 would together make the full image of Panel 2 above.

In 2015, when I got back the above page from Gerry, I realized there are so many amazing Pope paintings by Francis Bacon, it seemed silly to just keep drawing the same Pope painting, farther away, then close up of the left of his face, then close up of the right. I drew the below references to different paintings of his, with the intent of deleting out the previous images. (Notice I also drew a Van Gogh which I intended to use in the same way for an upcoming Van Gogh image that I had drawn, without even using any reference!)

Below is Gerry’s colored page, with my new Pope images superimposed over the old images. I colored these new panels.


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