Moving more Patreon stuff over to my website

[Originally posted 9/12/18 at – but I realized it should be posted here as well!]

Thanks for your patience, everyone, as I continue moving things over to my website, TABLOIA.COM/BLOG.

I’m continuing to post a new “Diary of a Struggling Comics Artist” documentary clip every week, here AND over there (for now), and THIS week, why don’t all you kind $1 supporters enjoy eight of Dr. DeBunko’s eleven published stories!  HERE’S the menu and links of all those stories! (A few of ’em are publicly posted!)

There’s plenty of other stuff up or in the works over there, if you care to just poke around at the website and check things out so far.  Feel free to let me know whatcha think about how it’s shaping up.  Thanks again, and I hope to officially announce some of those new features over there shortly.

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